Tuesday 28 October 2008

Making the World a Better Place

Last week I went to Madrid and joined the World Health Youth (WHY) communication network

You can read about my trip on the student bmj website.

It was certainly an insightful experience on health and the environment and involved three days talking to young journalists from all over Europe and central Asia. 

One speaker from the WHO did a survey of the 20 international journalists on how they rated their countries performance on dealing with environmental issues. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, most gave a 2 or 3. 

The speaker however gave Russia and Kazakhstan a 2, Slovakia and Lithuania a 3/4 and Denmark and the UK a 4/5. Often it feels we are never doing enough to save our planet, but perhaps relatively speaking we are. I shall however, continue to reuse my shopping bags.

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